Who are you? Understanding Your Path to Investing
July 11
5 min read

When it comes to investing, people often fall into one of the following three categories: Savers, Earners, or Experienced investors. Understanding which group you belong to can help you make smarter financial decisions. In this post, we’ll define each group, provide real-life examples, and offer a fun questionnaire to help you identify where you fit in. We will let you know how SmartSaver can help you get the best out of your investment experience, no matter which category you fall into.

We have prepared a questionnaire to help you better understand whether you’re a saver, an earner, or an experienced investor. Each approach has its strengths, and the key is to find a balance that works for you. Taking this quick quiz will help you find out which category you belong to, making it easier for you to tailor your investment strategy to fit your personality and financial goals.

What’s your primary approach to managing finances?

A) Cutting expenses and saving regularly.
B) Finding new ways to increase my income.
C) Researching and diversifying my investments.

How do you feel about taking financial risks?

A) I prefer low-risk, steady returns.
B) I’m comfortable with higher risks for the potential of higher returns.
C) I balance risks with a mix of high and low-risk investments.

When you receive a bonus or unexpected money, what do you do?

A) Save it or invest it conservatively.
B) Invest it in a new venture or high-return opportunity.
C) Allocate it based on my diversified investment strategy.

How do you typically spend your free time?

A) Budgeting and planning future savings.
B) Exploring new income-generating hobbies or side gigs.
C) Researching market trends and investment opportunities.

What’s your main financial goal?

A) Achieving long-term financial stability.
B) Maximizing my earning potential and wealth.
C) Growing and diversifying my investment portfolio.

Mostly A’s: You’re a Saver! 
Mostly B’s: You’re an Earner! 
Mostly C’s: You’re an Experienced Investor!

Defining Savers, Earners, and Experienced Investors

Savers are individuals who prioritise setting aside money regularly. They are disciplined about managing their finances, often cutting unnecessary expenses to maximise their savings. Savers focus on long-term financial stability and are generally cautious about taking risks.

Earners prioritise increasing their income. They seek opportunities to boost their earnings through extra bonuses, referral programs, affiliate markets, etc. Earners may take more risks with their money, aiming for higher returns.

Experienced Investors: 
Experienced investors are those who have a deep understanding of the markets and investment strategies. They have often built a diversified portfolio and are comfortable with a range of investment vehicles, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and more. These investors are usually adept at balancing risk and reward.

Let’s see these real-life examples so that you can identify which category best describes you.

Saver Example:
Meet Sarah, a dedicated saver. She works as a teacher and makes it a point to save 20% of her salary every month. Sarah avoids impulse purchases and prefers to cook at home rather than dining out. Over the years, she has built a substantial emergency fund and has started investing in low-risk mutual funds.

Earner Example: 
Now, let’s look at John, an earner. John works as a software developer but has a passion for photography. He spends weekends taking freelance photography gigs, significantly increasing his monthly income. John reinvests his extra earnings into his photography business and is not afraid to put money into high-growth tech stocks or diversify his portfolio by also investing in platforms that offer higher returns with higher risk.

Experienced Investor Example: 
Laura is an experienced investor. She has been investing for over 15 years and has built a diversified portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, real estate, and alternative investments. She spends time researching market trends and is comfortable making complex investment decisions. Laura’s portfolio reflects a balance of high-risk and low-risk investments tailored to her long-term financial goals.

Savers, Earners, and Experienced Investors

How SmartSaver Can Help You Manage Your Finances

Well, SmartSaver is designed to help each of these categories find the best way to manage their finances, and this is reflected in the product.

We must emphasise that SmartSaver offers a minimum return rate of 7.25% to 8.33% APY on investments made in the main account and 8.87% to 9.96% in 6-month and 12-months Vaults, respectively.

Let’s talk about how Savers can use SmartSaver:
Considering that higher returns come with higher risks and that a Saver might not feel very comfortable with this idea, SmartSaver can serve as your savings account where you deposit that 20% you manage to save to secure your future. The big difference is that instead of a deposit in a savings account that will be affected by inflation, with SmartSaver, you’ll be investing this amount, which will grow much more over time. This is without mentioning that regularly using the Vaults will also provide you with extra earnings effortlessly.

What makes SmartSaver interesting for the Earners?

Well, besides all the benefits that the Savers get, Earners can get even more with just a bit more effort. What do we mean? SmartSaver has two options that make your experience with the product even more interesting.

The first is our Referral Program. How does it work? Share a unique referral link found in your user area with as many people as you want. When the person you recommended SmartSaver to starts investing, both of you will earn 0.5% on the investments made by the referred person after 90 days. This can amount to up to €2,500, considering the maximum investment limit is €500,000.

And the second is our Lucky Draw, which can add €100 weekly to your account. How do you participate? By investing €500 weekly in SmartSaver, you are already participating.

And for the Experienced Investors?

Taking advantage of all the benefits mentioned above, SmartSaver is another option for diversifying your portfolio with a competitive market return rate.

Whether you’re a saver, an earner, or an experienced investor, each path offers valuable strategies for investing. By understanding your natural tendencies, you can create a balanced approach that leverages your strengths and aligns with your financial goals. SmartSaver’s flexible options can help you grow your wealth, no matter your starting point. 

Happy investing!

The information presented in this blog post is valid as of the time it is published. The content is intended to provide information only and is not meant and should not be considered as financial or investment advice of any kind.

By Monefit


We kindly ask you to note that no guarantees are offered for investments made with SmartSaver. We advise to carefully evaluate the risks associated with investing in consumer loans and seek professional advice before starting to invest money via SmartSaver. For more information please also familiarize yourself with the Risk Disclosure Statement. Considering the operating principles of SmartSaver you may not always be able to withdraw the full investment amount immediately, in which case you will simply receive payouts in installments instead.