Monefit SmartSaver success: By the numbers, Dec 2024

30.12.2024Clock icon5 min read

We first provided this update back in September with a promise of delivering it to you quarterly. And we keep our promises. 😉

Here’s what’s been happening at Monefit in the last 3 months:

  • SmartSaver turned 2 years old with five amazing initiatives, including our 3-month Vault and UNICEF donation
  • Our first SmartSaver investor webinar gave the world a peek behind the curtain at how we offer such fantastic returns
  • Black Friday offered our investors a one-day exclusive Vault with our best rate ever, 10.52% – we’ll tell you how many people opened one later
  • And we’ve been celebrating Christmas with 10 days of lucky draws, with a €100 winner every day since December 13th

Now, let’s get into the stats.

The loans that support SmartSaver

Monefit, part of the Creditstar Group, provides loans across eight countries. The interest generated from these loans allows SmartSaver to offer attractive returns to help our investors grow their wealth effortlessly. Here’s an update on the loan side of things:

  • The average loan amount is €2380
  • Most borrowers are aged between 30 and 45
  • The average interest rate on loans is 26%
  • A typical loan has an 15-month term

How much have SmartSaver investors earned?

Since we launched SmartSaver in November 2022, our rates have only increased, and this year in particular, we offered our best rate ever on Black Friday with a 12-month Vault offering 10.52% APY. Over 1,600 investors opened one 😮

Here are the updated earning stats from SmartSaver:

  • Total wealth created: €4.1 million
  • Highest APY earned: 10.52% – Black Friday Vaults
  • Largest return by an individual: Over €28,500

Wealth created by SmartSaver

When we last published our numbers in September, we were excited to share that our highest-earning investor had earned over €20,000. Now, all our top 5 investors are over that number, getting close to the €30k mark.

  • Investor 1.€28,533.33
  • Investor 2.€26,154.44
  • Investor 3. €25,422.11
  • Investor 4. €24,671.54
  • Investor 5.€24,344.29

Gamechanging SmartSaver Vaults

Our SmartSaver Vaults have had an incredible year.

From our top rate increase, to our two exclusive Vaults for SmartSaver’s birthday and Black Friday, our investors have been locking in their funds and watching their wealth grow.

Here are the big statistics:

  • 50% of investors now use Vault – a 13% increase in 3 months
  • 71% of users with Vaults opened at least one 12 month Vault
  • 48% of our active Vaults were opened during Birthday week and Black Friday
  • Investors opened a Black Friday Vault every 53 seconds
  • The largest Vault account of €214,000 is earning €21k per year!
  • Investors are opening a new Vault every 25 minutes

Those are our updated numbers. We want our investors to live their best financial lives, and looking at the statistics, it seems like they already are.

You can also revisit our first blog for more details around some of the statistics.

With SmartSaver, you can start saving from just €10. If you haven’t joined yet, what’s holding you back?

Join over 18,000 investors grow their wealth daily. It’s never been easier to start building your wealth.

by Monefit
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