Daily returns up to 10.52% APY

Trusted by investors in over 40 countries, €100 million earned already.

Your return after 5 years *

63221 €
If you invest
100000 €

*The illustration shows the returns after 5 years, assuming you have invested in two 24-month vaults and one 12-month Vault consecutively.

For those who believe in growing wealth effortlessly

It’s like your piggy bank, but with great returns and zero hassle.

Incredible returns paid every day

Open an account and see your wealth grow. Earn up to 10.52% APY, with returns paid out every day.

Instant payment & easy withdrawal

Invest up to €500,000 via bank transfer or card. Receive withdrawals within 10 business days—no fees and a 100% on-time payback history.


Amplify returns with Vault

Boost your income with our Vault. Start with €100, invest safely, and open as many Vaults as you wish.


Simple to signup, even simpler to use

Get started in under 5 minutes and track all your earnings in one place.

Sign up

You deserve a treat!

Unlock bonuses and exclusive rewards all year round.

Sign up

0.25% Signup bonus

Join SmartSaver now and enjoy a free €5 boost — no strings attached! Plus, earn an extra 0.25% on your investments after your first 90 days.


See the potential

Start building wealth your way! Calculate the future growth of your investment and see how much you could earn in just 5 years.


0.5% referral bonus

Refer a friend and get up to €2,500 bonus, based on their investments in the first 90 days. Invite everyone you know and grow your earnings.


€500 weekly draw

Every week, 5 lucky winners receive a €100 credit and a congratulatory email to make their day.


For every dream

Whatever your life goals are — carefree retirement, dream home, or the perfect wedding — SmartSaver helps you achieve them all. Faster.

Sign up

Data security

We prioritise data security, and with two-factor authentication, you have full control of your account.

Data security

Invest in Creditstar consumer credit

Your investment is diversified into consumer credit agreements carefully vetted by Creditstar Group.

Did we miss something?

SmartSaver is a simple-to-use investment platform designed for both seasoned professionals and first-time users who want to dabble in investing. Return rates vary based on your investment amount, offering flexibility to suit different financial goals.
You can create a fixed-term Vault which lasts anywhere from 6 months to 24 months, with your return rate based on the duration of your Vault. You choose the exact date you want your Vault to mature, allowing for better planning for any future goals or events you have.
At Monefit SmartSaver, we calculate nominal returns daily. This means you can watch your money grow right before your eyes every single day. What’s not to love about that?