Easter Edition: A Financial Family Adventure
March 28
min read

As the spring season blooms and Easter, chocolates and egg hunting approaches, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the age-old adage: “Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket.” While this phrase is often associated with the Easter egg-hunting tradition, it holds just as much relevance in finance.

Easter Egg-ucation for the little ones

Easter is a time for family, and what better way to celebrate than by instilling valuable financial lessons in the younger generation?

Teach them about the importance of saving, the power of compound interest, and the concept of diversification. Use the analogy of Easter eggs and baskets to explain these financial concepts in a fun and relatable way.

Encourage your kids to allocate their pocket money or allowance into different “baskets”, such as a spending fund for immediate needs and a savings fund for long-term goals; you’ll be preparing them for the future that maybe no one talked to you about when you were their age. You’re laying the groundwork for a lifetime of intelligent money management by involving them in financial decision-making from a young age.

Whilst passing on your wisdom to the next generation, are you taking advantage of all the available resources? SmartSaver has got you covered!

Why SmartSaver?

We have understood the importance of diversification while offering competitive returns. Like a savvy Easter egg hunter who spreads out their search across various hiding spots, SmartSaver allows investors to spread their funds, providing liquidity while enabling you to project your goals using the fix-term investment option.

Main Account Liquidity: SmartSaver offers investors the flexibility of having liquidity in their main account, allowing for easy access to funds when needed. It’s like keeping some eggs readily available for immediate use.

Fixed-Term investments (Vaults): For those looking to maximise their returns, SmartSaver allows them to create fixed-term investments for 6 and 12 months. These investments offer even better return rates( 8.87% and 9.96%), like stashing away some eggs in a secure nest for a predetermined period, knowing they’ll hatch into more significant returns.

Main Account Liquidity: SmartSaver offers investors the flexibility of having liquidity in their main account, allowing for easy access to funds when needed. It’s like keeping some eggs readily available for immediate use.

Diversification: By spreading your investments between the main account and fixed-term investments (Vaults), you’re effectively diversifying your financial portfolio. Just as having eggs in multiple baskets reduces the risk of loss, diversifying with SmartSaver helps mitigate risk while optimising returns.

Family Treasure hunt

This Easter, take a cue from the age-old wisdom of diversification and apply it to your family’s financial strategy with SmartSaver. Just as a well-diversified egg hunt yields the most rewarding treasures, a diversified investment approach can lead to a brighter economic future for you and your children.

Don’t let all your eggs end up in one basket. Choose smartly and start building a more secure tomorrow today.

Happy Easter and happy investing!

The information presented in this blog post is valid as of the time it is published. The content is intended to provide information only and is not meant and should not be considered as financial or investment advice of any kind.

By Monefit


We kindly ask you to note that no guarantees are offered for investments made with SmartSaver. We advise to carefully evaluate the risks associated with investing in consumer loans and seek professional advice before starting to invest money via SmartSaver. For more information please also familiarize yourself with the Risk Disclosure Statement. Considering the operating principles of SmartSaver you may not always be able to withdraw the full investment amount immediately, in which case you will simply receive payouts in installments instead.